VENUS IN 4TH HOUSE In Solar Return Year

Venus in the 4th house of Solar return Indicates that now more than ever you need a comfortable home to serve as a retreat, a place to regenerate your vitality and nourish your emotional nature. “Home” needs to be a supportive place, a shelter for the wounded, a protection from less hospitable environments. Home may be the place where you are now living, the place you are moving to, or the place where you grew up. It is the sustaining quality that is important, not the location. You need to feel comfortable somewhere on the face of the earth. If you do have that warm and cozy place to call home, you will enjoy being there this Solar return year , Rather than nights on the town, you prefer staying at home and entertaining others. If you do not have a sense of home at the present time, it will be your goal to develop a more comfortable living space over the next year.