
Showing posts from June 23, 2024

MERCURY IN FIRST HOUSE In yearly Solar Return Chart

 Mercury in the 1st house of Solar Return chart can show that your mind is very focused on self-interest.  You will concentrate on your own needs, develop your own ideas and opinions, and/or make your own personal decisions.    You will tend to be intellectually independent.  You will rely more and more on your own thought processes and make decisions independently, possibly disregarding feedback or consultations with others. Subjective interpretation can be very strong.  You may only see one side of an issue, especially if there are no indications of objectivity in the solar return chart (e.g., 7th house planets and oppositions). 

JUPITER IN THE 9TH HOUSE in yearly Solar Return Chart

There is a strong emphasis on spirituality with this Jupiter in 9th House of Solar return placement.  It seems that an individual naturally begins to look for a higher understanding of the life purpose. Study of a spiritual nature is frequently associated with  Jupiter in the 9th of Solar return chart , but teaching and direct application of principles are more likely for those who are further advanced. The understanding of the word spirituality should not be limited to religion and philosophy, but should also in-dude all New Age, esoteric, and metaphysical studies.  In fact, this may be the more common emphasis.   It is time for the great awakening.   One does not merely learn with this placement; one begins to know and experience the force and draw of the higher realms.   To do this, you can be a born-again Christian or a daily meditator. It makes no difference. It is not the teachings that are most central to the growth in consciousness, b...

LEO ON 6TH HOUSE CUSP in Solar Return year

The Sun also shines its rays on a different area of your annual chart when taking into account rulerships, a system used by astrologers to link planets and signs.  In this case your annual Sun is ruling the sixth house of your chart or  LEO ON 6TH HOUSE CUSP in Solar Return year,  indicating that you are focussed on matters to do with work schedules, health and lifestyle. One of the additional themes is leading a balanced lifestyle. 

MERCURY IN 2ND HOUSE In Yearly Solar Return Chart

 Mercury in the 2nd house of Solar Return chart is associated with financial planning and monetary decisions.  Planning usually involves immediate financial needs rather than long-range retirement plans, which tend to be more closely related to placements in the 4th house of the solar return chart. More specific to Mercury in the 2nd house of Solar Return  are conscious decisions about expenditures, income, and discussions about establishing a household budget. when in  Transits Horoscope of mercury in 2nd house , your focus will be on money, your body, and the other possessions you value.  You need to discover how your money is being spent and may keep detailed lists of expenditures.  If you have been an impulsive spender in the past, you may decide that now is the time to assess carefully the necessity of each future purchase.  You may also want to make decisions about the amount of money you are earning.  It may be necessary for you to get a j...

Transit of PLUTO in 2nd House of What is yours

Pluto was the wealthiest of the gods—hence the term plutocrat.  The long-term transit that last for about 12 years. While Pluto makes his long, slow transit through your second house, it’s reasonable to expect that you have the ability to make yourself wealthier.  That may be true, especially to the extent that you have direct control over your earning ability (as a contractor, for instance). But where Pluto transits, he strips away everything that isn’t serving the highest good.  He takes things we don’t want to get rid of so we can figure out what we actually need.  So while Pluto transits your second house,  you may have both great windfalls and disappointing losses.  You will likely go through long periods when you yearn to get rid of all the stuff that is using up space and cluttering your life, and live a more Spartan existence.  And at the end of this long transit—possibly as long as three decades!—you will know what you truly need and be prepar...

CHIRON IN THE 2ND HOUSE In Yearly Solar Return Chart

Positively, a door may open for you to acquire something you value that you never thought you could get. An opportunity may arise to earn money in a way you never considered before, or you may be financially awarded for some unique quality you possess, or something you did out of love may reap unexpected monetary awards.  Your self-esteem may grow as you realize you have much more self-worth than you ever imagined.  Negatively, values, resources, possessions may be a source of great pain as you discover you don't have control over something you took for granted was yours. Or you may experiences a crisis as you are tested on what is truly of value to you, and old wounds about self-worth may return shaking your self-confidence. This is the Year to reassess what you truly value in life. You might discover that some of your previous values no longer serve you, prompting a shift towards more authentic priorities.. You can find  accurate interpretation of your chart , Just Sear...

Example Case Study chart- Sun in the 4th House of Solar return chart

This is the solar return chart of a sculptress whose father died two years ago. This woman's father was a major contributor to her work in that he bonded together the wood needed for the pieces she would create. After his death, she stopped sculpting and felt like she had lost her sense of purpose.

NEPTUNE IN THE 8TH HOUSE In Yearly Solar Return

 The most notable mundane manifestation associated with this Neptune  — ,  placement  in Solar Return  Is confusion or uncertainty surrounding resources and finances you share with another person.. A variety of situations can arise.  Your partner or roommate may be laid-off, unemployed or too sick to work. If he or she has a steady income, other circumstances including wage freezes, delayed promotions, or salary negotiations might make the future income unclear. You may hear that more funds will be made available eventually, but wait much of the Solar Return year for the money to materialize.  If present earnings or holdings are very diverse or in the process of changing, your partners income might be incalculable.  

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