
Showing posts from July 28, 2024

URANUS IN 5TH HOUSE In Yearly Solar Return Year

This is your Solar year to be an imaginative free spirit.  If you already freely expressing yourself artistically, you are likely to have unexpected opportunities to try new ideas, and work more independently than ever.  If you have secret dreams of being creative then this is your year to "come-out". Even if you have little spare time, you can still start a class, or devote a little time for creative expression. Children also feature largely, either yours or someone else's, and your relationship to children is likely to change dramatically.  If you start a relationship with someone who has children, those children may have a disruptive influence as you attempt to create an environment where everyone has the right to self-expression. You can speculate this year but avoid gambling.  While Uranus is in the 5th house of Solar return, you want to be able to express yourself freely.  You may need to function independently of peer pressure and relationship demand...

MARS SEXTILE or TRINE URANUS in your yearly Solar Return Chart

When Mars is sextile or trine to Uranus in the solar return chart,  It can be a creative year of beneficial change.  You are open to moving onward and upward in a good way without a lot of stress and tension. Something better is calling you. Changes are usually self-initiated or associated with rising opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Changes range from a constant stream of minor adjustments and advances to sweeping transformations. Energy patterns are shifting, and you look forward to whatever is new and inviting. You can augment benefits and success by preparing for any transition ahead of time and actively participating in the process. 

SUN Conjunct MERCURY/MARS Midpoint in Birth Chart Reading

The Sun conjunct Mercury/Mars , Or The SUN the Planet Activate Mercury/Mars Midpoint in a birth chart is a powerful combination that can manifest in a variety of ways. In Birth Chart Reading, You are likely to take classes and continue to learn things throughout your life, never ceasing to work on getting a clearer and sharper understanding.

Transiting MARS Sextile Natal VENUS - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your transit chart,  or in other word, The Current Transit of  MARS as you look up  in the Sky are Allign to your Natal Venus. This influence is temporary, lasting for a few weeks to a month. It's a time to take advantage of the positive energy to express your desires and deepen connections..  In Trine, Sextile or Conjunct Aspect, Strong desires and passions.  Creative excitement and activity.  Physical attraction and sexual stimulation.  Active and positive social interactions.  Cooperation on artistic projects.  Successful concerted work efforts.  Pleasurable friction. If this Aspect show in your Progress chart . The Secondary progressions  track the movement of your natal planets at a slower pace 1 day is equal to 1 year, reflecting long-term developments in your life. suggests a longer-term theme (years) in your relationships and creative pursuits. It signifies a period where your assert...

LEO ON 3RD HOUSE CUSP - Solar Return

The Sun also shines its rays on a different area of your annual chart when taking into account rulerships, a system used by astrologers to link planets and signs.  In this case the annual Sun is ruling the third house of your chart or  LEO ON 3RD HOUSE CUSP in Solar Return, indicating that you are also focussed on matters to do with your local community.  Your mind is active and one of your themes this Solar year may your immediate environment. You may consider moving to a different neighbourhood. Schooling, your own or someone else's, may be discussed. Planning, writing, talking, arguing, and making decisions are likely to keep you busy. When Leo, a sign that thrives on attention and expression, is on the cusp of the 3rd house, it indicates a year where communication takes center stage. You're likely to: Be more assertive and confident in expressing your thoughts and opinions. Seek out opportunities to shine and be noticed in your interactions. Enjoy lively conversa...

MOON IN THE 10TH HOUSE In Solar Return Year

If you are heading in the right direction your life is unlikely to undergo major changes, but this Solar year ask yourself what is the best life that you can have and make adjustments if necessary. A new job, promotion, marriage, change in parenthood, or more prominent role in public office are possible. Changes that occur are most likely in your career, but you can be noticed in public in other ways as well.   If you are feeling lost and confused about how to change your life direction, someone significant will cross your path to teach you a significant lesson to help you live your life more productively. Acknowledge what changes you would like make and strive to live the best life that you can.  The Moon in the 10th house solar return generally implies changes that are far more significant, either in the immediate future or several years down the road. Suggests changes in career, or professional tasks you are asked to perform.  While the Moon in the 6th house can i...

MARS IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Your Yearly Solar Return Chart

It is time to dig deep and find the courage to make the changes you know have been needed for a long time.  You are clearing and pruning, and spending many hours regenerating underneath. Itโ€™s time to find the resources, the courage and fortitude to face some of your own life challenges. You may be grieving the loss of someone near and dear, or perhaps just the loss of dreams of how things could have been.  Your gut instinct is strong, and you are willing to use it to improve the quality of life for you and those closest to your heart. Hope can be a strong motivating force in your life this year. Prayer, meditation, consulting spiritual advisors, and support groups may all help.  

Sun in the 11th house of Solar Return - Example Case Study chart

Your hopes, dreams and wishes are the major themes this Solar Return year.  Previously you may have put your personal dreams on hold while you shouldered responsibilities, and put other people's needs and wishes first, but itโ€™s time to pursue your own dreams. You are looking for ways and means to improve the quality of your life. Most likely you will put professional ambitions on hold while you focus on an enjoyable hobby, a passionate belief, or a new lifestyle. You may join group or club, spend time with friends or seek a change of scenery.  Opportunities for change are likely to come about through friends, colleagues and acquaintances. You may renew acquaintances with old friends.  It is important that you reach out to other people and enjoy life. 

๐ŸŒ™ MOON IN โ™‰๏ธŽ TAURUS - Solar Return Year

 This Solar year the Moon sparks a need for security.  Even if you are usually adventurous, you are likely feel an urge to put down roots. It may be caused by an event; you may just feel that the time is right to focus on the material; or perhaps a sensual relationship triggers your need for home and family. But you feel the need to put your financial house in order, perhaps seek new income avenues, build a sound foundation, and purchase items to make life more comfortable. You may fee keen to feel a sensual connection to your environment.  As a result you may benefit from therapies such as massage, aromatherapy, and reflexology. Alternatively you may enjoy working in the garden, planting seeds and enriching the soil. 

MOON IN FIRST HOUSE in your Yearly Solar Return Chart

You are in for a bit of a roller coaster ride as far as your feelings this Solar Return year.  Past hurts can be healed as you assess the role of your feelings in your own life, as well as on other people.  Objectivity may be difficult as feelings are close to the surface.  You may be somewhat self-centred, focused how you feel about yourself rather than the welfare of others.  You may reassess how you deal with the needs of your loved ones versus your own needs, and what support they give you.  Embrace your feelings as the surface and find outlets to express them. Soothing activities can really help bolster your self-esteem and give you a new sense of vitality and renewal.    The Moon in the 1st house of Solar return chart can indicate increased emotional self-awareness during the coming solar return year.  Feelings and emotional needs will seem stronger and more urgent, residing just under the surface.   But the Moon in the 1st house ...

PROGRESS MOON IN 12TH - Secondary Progression

 Day for a year Method of Prediction A.K.A Secondary Progression. In Moon in 12TH House It is time to slow down and reflect on your life.  You are ending one phase of your life and starting another. This does not mean that everything changes during this phase, but rather that you change in some meaningful way. At the end of this phase you may be in the same career, home, and relationship with the same friends and family members.

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