
Showing posts from August 18, 2024

MARS IN 3RD HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return Chart 🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘

Your mind is busy, and quite stressed. Perhaps it’s because you concentrating on too many projects.  Possibly you are changing your plans, and must finish off tasks you had committed to, but are eager to embrace new ideas and start new plans. You need to communicate your thoughts and feelings before you can move ahead. However, you have difficulty knowing which project to focus on first. You know where you are heading, aware that there is a bridge to cross, but you are also aware of the obstacles  ahead. You have the drive to succeed, are determined to complete your tasks. Find a method of switching off the myriad thoughts bombarding you.  Focus on the positive, speak your mind clearly and calmly, avoid words spoken in anger.    During the coming Solar return year,  You have the ability to speak with great urgency and can motivate others to respond to problems and solutions as you see them.  Your speech may not be elegant and memorable quotes are unlik...

Transiting MARS Conjunct or Semisquare Natal MARS

Transit to Natal Aspect in the Sky  In Semisquare Aspect, Last for about 3 days for Example ( Entering Feb 24 , Exact Feb 26 , Leaving Feb 27 ) Strong survival instincts. 

For Full Report Option 

The Place where you can found the Very Accurate interpretation and interpreter of your Chart.

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