JUPITER IN 3RD HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return chart

You have to make big decisions about your lifestyle, and you moving to a new way of life. The key is enjoyment, expanding your mind, and keeping your options open. Make your preferences known and follow through. Perhaps you relocate, change jobs, or begin a course of study. Papers, contracts, books, conversations, meetings and such are likely to figure largely as you explore your options and make your choices. You will be busy, planning and juggling different aspects of your life. As you make your choices, it feels like a load has been lifted and you can move forward with excitement. Laughter is likely to abound. Make sure your choices are ethical. Explore your neighbourhood, visit a spiritual site, or take part in a community group. Jupiter in the 3rd house of Solar return Chart shows a great deal of daily activity. The pace of life picks up as you run around from one task to another. You have too many things to do, and if the juggl...