
Showing posts from September 15, 2024

SOLAR RETURN 🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ ) : CHIRON in 10th house

Positively, you may discover something which commands your attention and thrusts you into the public eye in ways you never would have conceived of.  Or you may receive acknowledgement and respect from superiors for something unique you have done, or some quality that is uniquely you. You could become more aware of your unique place in society.  Negatively, you could find that you are unconsciously putting yourself into situations where you may be in danger, or where you send out signals of vulnerability.  Or you may receive the unpleasant news that circumstances have changed, or you have changed, and you will have to change your career direction.  Or it may simply be that anxieties surface because you are unsure you are on the right life path. This Solar year 🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ )  offers a chance to confront and resolve issues related to career and personal authority. Through this process, you’ll emerge with a deeper understanding of yourself and a stronger sense of purpose.. To gain a deeper

ARIES ASCENDANT in yearly Solar return Chart

When the solar return Ascendant is in Aries,  you have a pioneering spirit that encourages creativity and originality. You have your own unique style, ideas, and goals. A beginner's mind allows you to see solutions and options others miss. You start each day with great enthusiasm and excess energy.  The danger is that you can have blinders on and steamroll over others to get the job done. It is not way or the highway" thinking you are just oblivious. If you work well into the night, remember to let others rest. 

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