
Showing posts from September 22, 2024

MOON CONJUNCT MERCURY in Yearly Solar Return Chart

The Moon conjunct Mercury in the solar return  🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ )  indicates the integration of unconscious feelings with conscious thoughts.  When these two avenues for information and analysis are working together, they form a therapeutic and productive combination. You will be able to understand the total picture from your rational assessment supported by your emotions and combined with intuitive insights.  The integrated psyche is a powerful tool for intellectual and creative endeavors. When the conscious and unconscious are working together, you are more likely to make good decisions which satisfy your physical, emotional, and mental criteria.  In this way, the conscious mind can be used to direct unconscious feelings into productive and fulfilling projects.  Sometimes when these two planets are conjunct, the emphasis will strongly favor either thinking or feeling.  When the Moon is square or opposite Mercury   emotional input is less likely to be integrated with conscious thoughts..The

Transit of PLUTO in 11th House of Friendship

It’s safe to say that you can never find true friends until you are able to accept yourself as you really are and recognize when others are being false.  This is the implication of Pluto’s  The ruling planet of Scorpio ,   transit through the eleventh house.  The long-term transit that last for about 12 years.  It’s no longer enough to have a pack of people to run around with so that you don’t feel alone. You want real friends, the kind with whom you can share your less-than-admirable qualities. If you have a habit of showing people just what they want to see instead of what you really are, this transit will cure you of that.  If the habit is deeply ingrained, you may unconsciously enlist polarizing comrades such as an obnoxious friend or a really objectionable boyfriend or girlfriend to act as stand-ins for your own dark side.  “Love me, love my Obnoxious Other!”  You declare to the world, and when some decide they can do without you both, you get to develop the strength that comes fr

The SUN IN PISCES From 1st to 30th Degree Meaning

Sun in Pisces in Transit AKA Pisces Season. But When the Sun in Pisces in Natal Chart they Called you Piscean people.  Not All Pisces Are the Same. "It's too much of a generalization to say it's just Pisces alone.".  Date Back around 1925, They also noticed that it is indeed too Generalized if it won't be used with Degree Meaning.

VENUS CONJUNCT URANUS in yearly Solar Return Chart 🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ )

Venus conjunct Uranus in the solar return chart  Usually denotes changes in relation-ships. For some people, this can mean a sudden attraction and the excitement of a new love. Involvements may be very strong, very quick, and may or may not have staying power.  New relationships might eventually lead to marriage, but probably not during this solar return year. It is better to put off making a commitment. Loose, but intense associations are more common. Friends become lovers, and some love relationships seem more like friendships. Occasionally, relationships and attractions are less than conventional.  Affairs with married individuals, homosexual or bisexual partners, those much older, those much younger, or those from a different ethnic background are possible. Free spirits are particularly attractive, and you could be drawn to someone totally not your type.  VENUS SEXTILE or TRINE URANUS ,  When Venus is senile or trine Uranus in the solar return chart, positive changes in relationshi

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