
Showing posts from September 29, 2024

THE MOON IN SAGITTARIUS In Solar Return Year 🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ )

The fiery Moon sign of Sagittarius can work in two different ways.  You may feel a strong urge to seek the meaning of life through reading, contemplation, meditation and retreat, consult metaphysical practitioners, or take classes, and reflect on the meaning of your life.  Or you may seek to explore outside of your usual perimeters, such as overseas travel, seeking promotion at work, or socializing with people from foreign countries, and are keen to share experiences with people outside your usual social circle.  Either way you want to feel free and impassioned, explore all options. If you can’t escape, and feel restless, try short trips into wide-open spaces, attend a local foreign film festival, or go to a boisterous sports game.  Challenges: Impatience and restlessness Overconfidence and arrogance Lack of focus or direction Tips: Embrace your adventurous spirit and seek out new experiences. Be open to learning and growing. Trust your intuition and follow your heart. Be pati

Solar Return chart MERCURY - JUPITER Aspect

While Saturn-Mercury aspects in Solar Return are associated with pessimism and doubt,  Jupiter aspecting Mercury on the other hand, can imply optimism and confidence.. ( ||  MER - VENUS  || ) , ( ||  MER - MARS  || ) , ( || MER - JUPITER  || ) , ( ||  MER - SATURN  || ) , ( ||  MER - URANUS  || ) , ( ||  MER - NEPTUNE  || ) , ( || MER - PLUTO || ) You may be looking forward to tomorrow with great enthusiasm.   You believe your horizons are expanding and you will have numerous options in the future. This may or may not be true. What you believe is possible may differ from your actual experience. Undue optimism and rapid expansion can lead to miscalculations and poor decisions.    You can overestimate your chances for success and underestimate the amount of time and resources you will require to realize your vision for the future . You can easily overwhelm yourself with too many tasks and too many de-tails to remember.  Overscheduling that taxes your mind and body is directly related to

Transit of PLUTO in 10th House of Career and Social Status

Transiting Pluto The ruling planet of Scorpio , moving through the tenth house of your chart tells us two things: The profession you once had is fundamentally changing.  The long-term transit that last for about 12 years. You can’t get it back, because it is, at a very real level, gone.  That’s not to say you won’t be able to support yourself, but it does tell us that even if you got your old job back, it wouldn’t be the same, and it wouldn’t offer security.  The other thing it tells us is that you no longer feel happy about taking orders from anybody else.  You must feel in control of your destiny, and of your career path; if you fail to take control, you will likely find yourself, over and over, in workplace situations that are toxic.  Astrosignature for Choosing Between Business or Job. Pluto must be expressed—if not as empowerment, it will be expressed as powerlessness.  Where Pluto transits,  there is no room for dishonest or self-serving behavior. If you are trying to keep secre

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