
Showing posts from October 20, 2024

Transit of PLUTO in 4th House of Home and Family

A friend of mine who was having this Transit of Pluto in 4th house ,  The long-term transit that last for about 12 years. Said it felt like entering the government’s Witness Protection Program. It began with her finding she no longer had the capacity to be dishonest about anything, which estranged many people close to her.  By the end of this long, long transit, she no longer felt she could live in the same place, and she literally left home to start fresh somewhere new.  Wherever Pluto transits, it reflects a complete inability to bear any falsehood.  In the fourth house,  Pluto  The ruling planet of Scorpio  ,  makes you unable to fool yourself about who you are or where you come from. You become the family whistle-blower.  Living with Pluto’s honesty means living without a place that feels completely safe and comfortable. At the end of this transit, though, you’ll know where you really belong, how you really want to live, and who your true...

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