JUPITER IN THE 7TH HOUSE in Solar Return and Progress chart
The best phrase to describe Jupiter in the 7th house is, "Ask and you shall receive. "Others naturally come to your aid, giving more assistance and support than you expected, or even thought you needed. If you are in a difficult situation, others readily offer to help. This can occur without asking, but the possibilities become even stronger if you not only recognize and foster the help available to you, but also ask specifically for what you need. 👉 Read here if you are looking for Jupiter in the 7th house in Progress Chart Somebody may be in the perfect position to actualize your goals, and partnerships of this nature enable you to accomplish together what you would not have attempted alone. Help may be either tangible or intangible. Under the best possible circumstances, you benefit directly or indirectly from others in more ways than one. For example, if you are married, you benefit through your spouse since what he or she...