
Showing posts from December 29, 2024

Transiting VENUS in 7th House of Relationship

Venus is right at home in the seventh house ,  Because both are associated with harmony, balance, and partnership.  If you're in a long-term relation-ship, this is a good time to take a minivacation with your partner, or at least schedule a special outing; you'll really enjoy each other now.  If you're looking for love, you'll certainly encounter some appealing prospects during this transit that last for about a month .  Treat your best friend to a little extra attention and affection during this transit , too. Where your rivals are concerned, re-member what Abraham Lincoln said 'Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?"

MARS SEXTILE or TRINE JUPITER in Yearly Solar Return chart

Actions which directly support or contradict belief systems are associated with Mars-Jupiter aspects in the solar return chart.  ( ||  MOON - MARS  || ) , ( ||  VENUS - MARS  || ) , ( ||  MER - MARS  || ) , ( ||  JUP - MARS  || )  , ( ||  SAT - MARS  || ) , ( ||  URA - MARS  || ) , ( ||  NEPTUNE - MARS  || ) , ( ||  PLUTO - MARS   || ) Jupiter rules beliefs and philosophy white Mars rules actions.  When Mars is sextile or trine Jupiter , personal ethics and morals tend to be respected and acted on accordingly. You are acutely aware of the role your beliefs play in directing your behavior and helping you make the best decisions.  The only concern with Mars sextile or trine Jupite r in Solar Return is that you will be prone to excess, and there are varying degrees of excessive behavior depending on your personality or other factors in the solar return chart. 

Transiting MARS Aspect in Natal MERCURY

- Transit to natal Aspect in the Sky MAJOR MIND THEME : In Sextile or Trine Aspect Mental excitement.  Intellectual energy.  Engineering solutions to problems.  The urge to get things done, to be in the action. Decisiveness.  Good and rapid responses.  Fast pace.  Successful business interaction with others. Accomplishment. Mercury sextile Radix Mars or transit to natal aspect in the sky,  speeds up your mind and reflexes.  TRANSITING MARS SEMISQUARE NATAL MERCURY  In Semisquare Aspect, Agitated mind.  Working under stress.  Pressure to solve problems.  Hectic conditions.  The necessity to get things done rapidly.  Irritations. Injuries.  Impulsive reactions, anger, hostility, conflicts of interest, etc.  Criticism and sarcasm. 👉   Transit of MARS 2023 in The Zodiac Sign 👉   Transiting URANUS Conjunction Natal MARS General Themes (All Aspects) Action-Oriented Mindset : Mars energizes ...

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