MERCURY IN THE 11TH HOUSE of Solar return Year

This is a busy social Solar return year (っ^▿^)۶🍸🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ ) . Perhaps because you are pursuing a particular hobby, project or cause. Networking plays a key role. You objectively reassess social commitments, group interests, and causes. If you have been laid back, perhaps just wasting time (watching television, perhaps), boredom may set in. Your lesson: find a hobby or cause to which you can commit. You may join a club, start classes, or try a new past-time. If you are already active , your commitments may change. You enjoy being part of a group or team. Perhaps work now requires you to become a team member, or your role in a group changes. The changes you experience may bring about changes in friendships. Your lesson is to remain adaptable as the cards are reshuffled.. The 10th house of Solar return chart rules laws and standards established by society to govern groups of people. Because they were prepared for the masses, they may not fit all individual situations or...