MARS IN THE 12TH HOUSE in Solar Return and Progress Chart

This Solar year (っ^▿^)۶🍸🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ ) you are the servant, not the master, which may be easy or difficult to accept depending on your nature. If you cannot avoid a leadership role, then you need to tread warily or you could become the target for other people's dissatisfaction with their own lives, or with someone else in a leadership position. You would be better off avoiding responsibilities that can damage your reputation in favour of pursuing more selfless work. You may enjoy working in isolation on a creative, charitable or manual project. You may also gain satisfaction from a more contemplative lifestyle this year. If you are feeling aimless and lost, voluntary work could be beneficial, helping you gain a new sense of direction and feel like you are contributing. While Mars is in the 12th house in Solar Return , you have the ability to work independently or behind the scenes. This is a great time to focus on projects which require some degree of...