
Showing posts from March 9, 2025

PLUTO IN 5TH HOUSE - Solar Return Year

Pluto is highlighting the area of creativity and fun, and submerged desires bubble to the surface. In some ways you are reassessing what it means to truly express yourself, and being challenged to see what needs to be born in your life. Have you felt stifled and resisted your creative urges? Time for a deeply-felt need for expression to be born.  You could literally give birth to a child, perhaps as a result of a surprise pregnancy. Or start an artistic project --- write, sing, dance or other creative venture. You could find yourself exploring areas that previously held no attraction. You may be secretly attracted to someone from your past, or who represents how you would truly like to be now. A romantic liaison may emerge.  Pluto in the 5th house of Solar return commonly indicates a power struggle over self-identity and self-expression.  Unconscious messages around you can be working to mold your persona into a reflection of somebody else's personal needs.  As the...

JUPITER IN THE 11TH HOUSE in Solar Return Year

 "I'll get by with a little help from my friends", could be your theme this Solar year.  ^▿^)۶🍸🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ )  You've the ability to attract many true and fortunate friends this year, some in prominent positions in society. You’re popular amongst friends who do their best to support you emotionally, and perhaps financially. You have high hopes of achieving success in your life.  You like to belong to groups of like-minded people which also can also prove beneficial. Your optimism and cheerfulness are an inspiration to your friends, and they too can benefit from their association with you. It is possible that you enjoy adventures with your friends to new places, activities and situations. This is your chance to explore your hopes and dreams and wishes surrounded by associates who support you.  The number one issue with Jupiter in the 11th house of Solar return Chart is the issue of freedom as it relates to one or more specific areas of life. Goals are being set ear...

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