
Showing posts from March 23, 2025


This Solar year's   (っ^▿^)۶🍸🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ ) message is: "expect the unexpected", and anything goes, and you are well advised to go with the flow. If you love the newest and most frightening rides at the fairground, you could have the time of your life this year.  Otherwise you may feel a little fretful and out-of-kilter. Sudden events can catapult you into an entirely different life, an eccentric benefactor may offer you a range of exciting new possibilities. You may be delighted as you attract a new exciting lover, a financial windfall or an unexpected pregnancy. Try to see your life as an exciting adventure and be thankful. This is your opportunity to break out of any old restricting habits, to express your unique talents and to shine as your true self.   The Sun sextile or trine Uranus in the solar return chart suggests that the individual is making positive, self-initiated changes.  These changes are usually major and sweeping. 

SUN SEXTILE or TRINE SATURN - Solar Return year

This Solar year (っ^▿^)۶🍸🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ )  you can work and achieve your ambitions, if you stick to your work and use your common sense. You have the strength and stamina to achieve your ambitions. Relaxation time is likely to be sparse, so use it wisely.  Pay attention to detail, acquire necessary skills, seek professional advice when necessary, or gradually build up new avenues when the old ones cease to work. You may also be required to tighten the purse strings, work within a budget, or direct your funds to renovating your home or restructuring your business. Time to pay attention to the structures that uphold your life whether these are the buildings, your finances, partnerships or investments. You have the vigour and are working hard as an investment in your future happiness.   When the Sun is sextile or trine Saturn in the solar return chart , it implies a sense of structure that is supportive and opportunistic.  You may reap what you have sown in the pas...


"Change" is the key word this Solar Return year.   (っ^▿^)۶🍸🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ ) ' You may be restless, eager to change your life, or fretful, concerned about impending differences. You receive news of changes, or perhaps take action yourself after weighing the pros and cons. You may also talk to friends, family and colleagues about how you would like to do things different and decisions that you need to make. Go with the flow, taking action when you can and garnering as much support as possible.  Young people may be of help, and any care taking role is likely to help you understand yourself and your own situation better and once again may instigate a change of heart or mind. You are likely to gain many insights this year, and alter your opinions and beliefs..  Just as in the natal chart, the solar return Sun is never more than twenty-eight degrees from Mercury, so the two do not form any major aspects other than the CONJUNCT.  This means that in a solar return chart, the Sun and ...

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