Pluto in 7th House of Solar Return - Page 2

Intimate personal or family relationships lead the individual to make further distinctions in the understanding of psychological influences as they affect relating.

 External conflicts may be very ap-parent, (similar to the nonintimate level), but it is only in intimate relationships that daily exchanges can produce the subtle insights necessary for understanding psychological complexes at a deeper level. It is within this context that old psychological problems such as obsessions, compulsions, addictions, jealousies, and control issues tend to surface full-blown and begin to play a much larger role. Personality traits and idiosyncrasies also affect the ability to relate in a meaningful manner. During the year, your relationship with another, usually a lover or spouse, will go through a period of transition. Both of you must look at the mechanisms by which you relate. The desire to control another is usually a central theme with manipulation and game-playing inherent in the process. You need to be aware of these ploys since they are impediments to greater intimacy and freedom. Complex power dynamics involving love and hate eliminate the possibility of freedom for one or both partners. Each must do as the other bids in order to suppress the unconscious fears motivating the need to control. 

It is only through insight and an understanding of the underlying fears that one is able to dismantle the psychological complexes and begin to handle relationships clearly.

 The year can bring greater intimacy to those who are willing to work together to strengthen their commitment to one another while at the same time dismantling the control mechanism. Because of the placement in your solar return, you must make the transition, but it is up to others to decide whether or not to make the necessary changes also. If you are in need of a deeper, more intimate relationship than your loved one is capable of at this time, you may seek counseling, sever your present commitment, or seek other avenues for intimate exchanges. There are no easy solutions to the complex problems of relating. 

If you are not already in a relationship, this can be a milestone year for you, one in which you are strongly attracted to someone new or some-one you have been previously only acquainted with. Lost loves may return. Intimacy needs are increased at this time, and you now need in-depth encounters. Intensity will be the norm, and you do not care to waste time on superficial interactions. Even nonromantic relationships can have an over-powering effect on you. Your psyche is vulnerable to the insight of others. Even those you meet only briefly can have a tremendous effect on your life. 

Soul-level manifestations involve new relation-ships which are karmic attractions that force the individual to question seriously all past and present relationships.

 The triggering mechanism is a desire for a new level of intimacy. The person you are drawn to may not be representative of someone you would choose for yourself on the conscious level. The implication here is that the unconscious chooses and there is no room for cliched romances. Only something very different will create the inten-sity necessary for the overwhelming growth pat-tern associated with this placement. 

The issues that are dealt with this year involve a serious challenge to your ability to handle intimacy in a new way. 

The questions one should ask when faced with a relationship of this intensity are, 'To what depths am I willing to go in order to acquire the insight necessary to understand my relation-ships as they exist now? Am I willing to face myself  truthfully as one-half of, and contributor to, a complex interaction that affects both my capacity for soul growth and also the ability of others to excel? Am I willing to pay the price of vulnera-bility and honesty to acquire the highest level of intimacy to which I may aspire?" Intimacy at this level and intensity demands that one dismantle all defenses and stop all ploys for power. True power comes from shredding the persona to reveal the true self. By doing so, one gains power over self and encourages all others to let go of useless power ploys also. It is at this point that meaningful relat-ing on a karmic level can begin. 

Solar Return Chart From 1st House to 12th House:

1st HOUSE     |   2nd HOUSE 


3rd HOUSE  |  4th HOUSE 


5th HOUSE  |  6th HOUSE 


7th HOUSE  |  8th HOUSE 


9th HOUSE    |  10th HOUSE 


11th HOUSE  |  12th HOUSE


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